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Yves Leccia, Winegrower




The beginnings of the 2017 vintage
Written by Yves Leccia
The question is on everyone's lips... "What will the 2017 vintage be like?". So, I'll take some time to answer you and give you my vision of this somewhat special vintage! When I say "special", I am thinking in particular of the very dry weather that worried us throughout the spring and summer.  If I had to remember one thing about this ye...




Our good plans for the summer
Written by Yves Leccia
Dear "mainlanders" visiting our Island of Beauty, this year we are making your work easier! We are providing you with a list of restaurants, hotels, grocery shops and straw huts that you should not miss during your stay. These are partners of the estate: you will be able to taste our wines while enjoying your holiday to the full!   1....




Having an organic garden is not rocket science! Did you know that?
Written by Yves Leccia
It's no surprise that at the estate we respect our environment and all that nature offers us. In the vineyards and everywhere around! Our vegetable garden is no exception to the rule. Last year, we shared with you the growth of our fruit and vegetables and the harvest. This year, we are sharing some good practices (organic, of course!) that shou...




« O Bà ! » : The new vintage to discover at the estate!
Written by Yves Leccia
My roots are deeply rooted here, in Corsica. I like to express my attachment to this island through my work and each of my wines. In 2017, I decided to officially launch my tribute vintage. A double tribute, to my island and to my father, Pierre-Joseph. I'll tell you all about the estate's new wine: this IGP Île de beauté that I chose to name "O...




Wine through the pages
Written by Yves Leccia
During the winter months it is always a pleasure to sink into a nice soft armchair, cover yourself with a blanket and open a beautiful book. All this by the fire to bring a little warmth to our hearts. It is while thinking of such moments that we wanted to make a selection of books dedicated to the world of wine. Whether you are a beginner or no...

Lieu dit Morta Piana
20232 Poggio d'Oletta, Corsica

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